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One of the memorable features of both editions of The WDW Explorer was the interactive timeline. For each year, from opening in 1971 to 1996 or 1998 depending on the edition, a narration explained some of the key developments at WDW. An overview map of the resort also updated with each year to show each new park or resort as it opened. One could slide the timeline back and forth and quickly watch the resort develop or regress. Read more...

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I ran across a quirk of CSS recently, related to the box model, that struck me as counter-intuitive behavior. To be honest, it's an issue I've repeatedly run into over the years that I've always bumbled my way around, and never fully understood.

Consider this simple example of a <div> element with a child <p> element that has top and bottom padding. Read more...

Teaser image is the new domain for blog posts from my old site, (don't go there — someone bought it and parked spam there). In addition to being moved, the site has been re-designed nearly from scratch. Read more...

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It hit me recently that I didn't understand something about how generator functions in Python work. In short, I was unsure exactly when and how they are determined by a Python implementation to be generators as opposed to "standard" functions, i.e. a function ending in return (whether explicit or falling off the end of the function).1 That question may not make very much sense at this point, but I'm not sure how to succintly word it without background information. To that end, there are three key facts about generator functions that led me to this question, described below. Read more...

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